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EnterCard launches Falcon® Fraud Management system – safety first for our customers

Falcon® will ‘make our customers’ everyday lives easier’ by detecting and preventing them from fraud. “Launching Falcon® is a milestone for us, our partners, and foremost for our customers. The new setup means that we will bring Fraud Management in-house and be in control of the whole fraud value chain. This will not only secure safety and control for our customers, but also an all-in-all better customer experience. The new system in combination with internal expertise from our skilled customer-facing staff is predicted to decrease fraud losses and risk exposures by ca. 40% year-on-year”, says Anne Mette Krighaar, Customer Operations Director.

What is Falcon®?
Falcon® reviews card transactions in real-time to assess the likelihood of fraud.

Putting customers in control
In addition to Falcon®, EnterCard has bought a solution called ‘SmartProtect’. SmartProtect is used for all automated and digital customer facing activities that the fraud department uses, and is also a tool for customers to be in control. This includes:

• Automated customer contacts via SMS, IVR and email, managed and triggered by EnterCard
• Digital affidavit in which the customers can dispute transactions
• An agent moderator tool where EnterCard can login and trigger actions and get information about all customer interactions that has happened.



Alexander Caple

Alexander Caple

Pressekontakt Head of Corporate Communications & Sustainability PR og mediarelaterte saker

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Sikkerhet viktig ved valg av kredittkort

Sikkerhet viktig ved valg av kredittkort

Sommerferien er høysesong for kortsvindel, og også i år ser EnterCard en økning i antall svindelforsøk. Trygge finansielle tjenester er viktig for alle. Derfor har EnterCard iverksatt en rekke tiltak for at våre kunder ikke skal bekymre seg når de bruker et av våre kredittkort.